
SURGE is a dynamic cutting-edge ministry impacting lives for Jesus Christ youth Tweens (6th-8th grade) and Teens (9th-12th grade). SURGE believes that God has made each of us unique individuals, with special gifts and talents. Because of this, today’s youth, energized by the Holy Spirit, can have a major influence in school, amongst friends, and in the community. SURGE is a name that embodies the move that the Holy Spirit is doing in this present generation. They are God’s technology (teknon) and His power is flowing through them like electricity causing a surge of energy that cannot be contained …it can only be transferred. Experience the SURGE at their next gathering.

The FEARLESS Women’s Ministry is a vibrant ministry that inspires woman of all ages to approach every challenge or goal with “No Shame”, “No Fear” and No Limits”. This is an exciting ministry that speaks to the unique needs of women while inspiring women to live life to the fullest, loving one another and loving themselves along the way. Joining the FEARLESS movement is an excellent opportunity to learn, grow, and fellowship with other women. FEARLESS provides workshops, seminars, and special events catering to the specific needs of women ages 16 and older. Be encouraged, be inspired, be healed, and be FEARLESS.
The Revolution Men’s Ministry is on a mission to make drastic changes, overthrow oppression, and establish a complete turnaround within the lives, mindsets, and actions of men of all ages. This ministry vows that no man will be left behind and seeks Freedom for Every Man. Through fellowship, seminars, and special events, men ages 16 and older can learn how to overcome obstacles, develop character, and use practical tools to achieve success. Revolution engages the next generation of men through mentoring and teaching ensuring a generational transfer of wisdom. The Revolution Ministry is a radical group meeting the essential needs of men in the ministry.

I.M.A.G.E. stands for Inspiring Marriages According to God’s Example. It is a ministry for engaged and married couples. The Bible passage found in Ephesians 5:22-33 gives meaningful purpose to this powerful and necessary ministry. This ministry focuses on strengthening Christian marriage relationships between a husband and wife as it reflects Christ’s love for His church. I. M. A. G. E. takes a leading role in the community as examples of godly marriages. They sponsor couples only seminars, outings and fellowships that help keep the fire going. The entire family is strengthened and the church experiences significant growth when it reflects God’s I.M.A.G.E.

For Ministries dates and times, visit Events.
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1100 East Holt Ave. Pomona, CA 91767
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