The Vision
“We are established to empower the believer for successful spiritual and personal living. We provide a place of corporate worship, prayer, and fellowshipping where gifts and callings are discovered. We equip believers with the tools needed to develop ministries and provide services that will transform our multicultural society and take the preached Gospel across the entire world.”

The Vision
“We are established to empower the believer for successful spiritual and personal living. We provide a place of corporate worship, prayer, and fellowshipping where gifts and callings are discovered. We equip believers with the tools needed to develop ministries and provide services that will transform our multicultural society and take the preached Gospel across the entire world.”

The Mission
These 5 steps philosophy to carry out the divine mandate to win the World for Christ.
Reach – We believe the Gospel has the Power to save. Therefore, we will preach the Gospel in a way that is relevant, profound, practical, and sound. Just like Jesus, we will teach the people free! We will reach the lost by any means necessary and with whatever methods are available. Our message to the lost is simple,” Your sins are forgiven!”. ( John 20:23, Matt 9:5)
Restore – We have all sinned, and the impact of that sin distorts our self-image and conceals God’s true intent for our lives. Salvation restores us to our true nature and resets us on a path to fulfill God’s original intent. God restores all things and makes all things new. He starts this by making us a new creation. (2 Cor 5:17, Ps 23:3)
Relate – As ministers of reconciliation we will relate with our brothers and sisters through authentic relationship. We will do life together, bear our souls, and show our scars. It is our intent that no one will walk this journey alone. (Ecc 4:9-12)
Renovate – Real transformation happens when people hear the Truth in repetition. We believe we are saved by grace, but we are also committed to the work of renovation of the soul (personality, attitudes, habits). We believe the Holy Spirit will work in us the desire to please God by renewing our minds. (Romans 12:1-2)
Release – God has a plan for you. You are here to fulfill what God has written concerning you. We want to partner with heaven in equipping preparing and releasing you into your purpose. Whether you are called to the ministry or the marketplace, we want to launch you into your future! (Ps 139:16, Jer 29:11)
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1100 East Holt Ave. Pomona, CA 91767
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